
Our History and Our Values

Murphy Homes Company History

Murphy Homes was founded as Murphy Construction by Joe Murphy in 1974. Joe was born in New Jersey to a family of construction workers and business owners. He moved to Alabama in the 1960’s to work in the Civil Rights Movement with VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America). Joe fell in love with the vibrancy and potential of Huntsville, AL and started a construction company with the same focus on improving society he brought to his civic efforts.  

Murphy Homes was started with a nailing apron and a panel truck. Joe grew the company through the 1980’s and 1990’s while raising a family with his wife, Jeff Murphy, an influential History Teacher at Huntsville High School. During this time, Murphy Homes developed neighborhoods and built homes throughout North Alabama. We also developed our “Your Builder” reputation for Relentless Focus on Customer Service, Quality Construction, and Community Engagement.

Joe’s son Charlie grew up sweeping houses and carrying lumber on job sites, and in 2007, began working at Murphy Homes full time. During the next few years, Charlie & Joe continued to grow Murphy Homes, eventually starting Madison Land Resources (our Land Development arm), and Red Door Homes, our "On Your Lot" sister company. 

During all of this, Murphy Home's core values of Helpful, be Open, Mindful, Enthusiastic, and Scrappy have helped us stay true to the Mission Joe Murphy set out over 40 years ago. It is our team and our values that have made Murphy Homes the #1 Luxury Builder in Huntsville, AL. 

Upon Joe’s passing in 2021, his proudest memories were of a Father, a Civic Leader, and a Businessman who constantly left the people around him better than they were. We WILL NOT fail His Mission, Our Customers, Our Team Members, or Our Community.

We are, and will continue to be, Your Builder.